About Me

Mechanical/CFD Engineering, University of Toronto

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Free-Stream Flow Past a Solid Sphere

* Comparing free-stream flow over a past sphere at Reynolds number of a)Re=25, b)Re=50, c)Re=100, d)Re=150, e)Re=200

* As the Re number increases, a circulation flow is formed in the wake region

streamline comparison

Free-Stream Flow over a sphere:

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

YSZ Drop Impact at High Impact Velocity

* The droplet size is 50 micron, and solid core size is 25 micron
* The impact veloicty is increased to V=250 m/s
* The high impact velocity causes the 'swirling' fluid motion
* The fluid 'splashes' at high impact velocity

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Drop Impact of YSZ droplet particle with a large solid core

For information about numerical simulation of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia(YSZ) droplet impact, please visit the paper at SpringLink:


* The droplet size is 50 micron, and solid core size is 20 micron
* The impact velosity is 100 m/s
* The large solid core imposes a higher resistance to fluid motion
* Fluid retreats due to surface tension forces

Drop Impact of YSZ droplet particle with a small solid core

* The droplet size is 50 micron, and solid core size is 10 micron
* The impact velosity is 100 m/s
* density = 5560 kg/m^3
* viscosity = 0.029 kg/m-s
* surface tension = 0.43 N/m
* contact angle = 90 degree